Glad you liked it brother.
In response to your question, I wouldn’t suggest Aristotle is totally wrong in this case, and I can’t speak for him since I do not know much about his philosophy, however I would presume, based solely off what you have just told me, his understand is incomplete.
Being is not an activity. Being is the place in which the appearance of activity finds itself.
For instance, all activity or ‘doing’ finds itself resting in being. Movement is an appropriation relative to the finite localisation of the mind.
However, that which the mind is in and made of, that which is the source of mind or the source of life, does not move.
Therefore the source of mind or the source of life, in other words reality or that which is ultimately real standing alone against all other finite and temporary appearances, does not move, change, or alter.
For instance the reality of a movie is the screen. It appears that the screen moves, changes and reforms, but ultimately we know the screen never changes.
We could say then, that all people have the tendency innate in their mind, to come back to this resting place of Being, that I am suggesting is pure aliveness, happiness itself.
Not because it’s some beautiful feeling or a fun experience, but because it is the natural state of our being, and it is our nature, such like gravity, to gravitate back into our true condition of peace and happiness.
The search for this resting ground, so to speak, is experienced as seeking or suffering.
We can’t seek if not at the same time there is a degree of suffering. And we can not suffer if there is at the same time not a degree of seeking.
Both seeking and suffering are the activities of resistance. Resistance is the source of suffering which is born of the belief that happiness is not our true nature, or in other words, not currently present and somehow derived from an object or experience.
Happiness is not an activity, emotion or state of mind. It is what’s left shining when all activities, emotions and states of mind have subsided into the place from which they came, our Being, happiness itself.
I Hope this view finds you of interest and curiosity my friend!